måndag 3 december 2012

Poor little dumb kids...

I feel genuinly sorry for the Honey Boo Boo Child.

I am not a huge fan so I don't know exactly everything about it (hell I don't even know that little donkeys real name), but in my opinion I already know more than I want to.
For fuck sake, that brat is so obnoxious I can't help but to feel sorry for it.
Btw, I know I can't comment on her looks, as I myself looks like a fucking goats arse, but don't you guys think she looks like some sort of mixture of the Michelin guy and some kind of turtle? I dunno where I get the turtle from though, gotta be something with her eyes... And her mother looks like the lovechild of Jabba the Hut and José the Jalapeño on a stick...
Alright, enough with the attacks on their physics HOLY SHIET! DOESN'T SHE LOOK LIKE DARLA DIMPLE FROM "CATS DON'T DANCE"?? That would explain a LOT!...
Okay, now I'm done.
Alright, the reason I fell sorry for this little speech-impaired go-go duck is: the pressure. IMAGINE the fucking PRESSURE to grow up as a beauty pagant queen at the age of six, THEN get your own tv show... And have a mother that'll put a whale to shame?
Wonder what'll happen when she grows up? Will her fame vane into nothingness until nobody even knows who she is anymore? Or will she grow up into a Paris Hilton size cheeseballs?
Personally, I HATE this kind of bullshit. I mean, wtf? THEY'RE SIX YEARS OLD! THEY DON'T NEED BOTOX! OR MAKE UP!
Sure, I was a pretty weird kid, when I played with my barbies I always played either execution or forced marriage, I hated the other girls and the boys hated me, I always walked around with frogs and lizards in my pants, I once smuggled a frog from my home to an amusement park etc. I grew up watching Disney and horror movies, not to mention Happy Tree Friends and Salad Fingers... But still! I was a kid! And I'm SO grateful my parents didn't force me to have a boobjob and wear make-up at 8! But then again, my family wanted me to grow up into a "normal" girl, haha! Ya should've seen the looks on their faces when I came strolling in boys clothes and refused to take my hat off inside!

Back to the subject...
As a matter of fact, I feel kinda bad for ALL kids these days! They don't need to wear make-up, expensive desginers clothes and high heels! They don't need iPhones, iPads, iShit etc. And they CERTAINLY don't need Call of Duty! (Take this from a gamer...)
What they need is homecooked food, sticks for swords, rules and a bunch of good ol' fashioned Disney movies! Hell, GO AND READ THEM A BEDTIME STORY AT NIGHT! A REAL book/story, like the Dinotopia books, the Redwall books, Artemis Fowl, Lord of the Rings, Pippi Longstockings, WHATEVER! JUST NOT THE LATEST ISSUE OF GIRL-IT! When they get older they can get a pet, like a guinea pig! They're good beginners pets!
They shouldn't have to worry about looking good and have boyfriends/girlfriends until they're at LEAST 18!! Actually, they shouldn't have to worry about any of that AT ALL!
WHY the pressure?! WHY do you necessarily need to put such immense pressure on your 5 year old?! SHE/HE'S NOT AN ADULT YET! CALM YO TITS!
I've got a cousin, and I'm not kidding when I say I hate her guts. She's 9,  but she has been taught it's okay to act like a 3 year old brat all your life because you'll get everything you want anyway.  Imagine when she grows up. Lol! She's fucked!
And then I've got a half-sister who's 11, and she's eating her way through her third boyfriend by now... Seriously, Sara? I'm fucking 18 and I've "only" had three boyfriends (plus one girlfriend)! And having a boyfriend isn't all that great, trust me... I think I'm gonna go with girls in the future actually! If it weren't for just the fact that scissoring is so painfully awkward...

I'm not saying that I would be a better mother than all the other fuckheads out there, because I KNOW I'll be a horrible mother (let's just say that I've got some major anger issues and ALL kids pisses me off!)
No thank you, I'll just stick to my animals, 'kay? They don't whine for new phones all day, they want necessary things like food and to suckle on my ear...
All I'm saying is: get up from the sofa. Take the smartphone, take the computer, take the violent run-shoot-kill games and throw them out in the godamn woods to play. With the proper imagination, a piece of nature is all you need to have a blast. If I'll be honest here: I'm 18, and I've alway built treehouses and pwned n00bs in snowballfights LIKE A BOSS! And I'll probably keep doing it when I'm 80.

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