tisdag 19 februari 2013


In lack of anything more productive to do, I will now try to write something on the blog. Now, to come up with something to talk about...
Animated movies.
Animated movies rocks.
I hope you watched plenty of Disney films when you were a kid, or else your childhood, how to put it mildly, SUCKED RAW BALLS!
Especially the hand drawn movies, DAMN! That was like ART! Watching art moving around and talk to awesome music, THAT is pure awesome!
And for some reason I like the so called "disturbing animated movies" the most, movies like Watership Down, Felidae, Plague Dogs etc.

Lets talk a bit about Felidae, I was almost writing a fanfic about it (almost, but then I realized that I don't want to write that sort of stuff. Ever...) after I saw it. THAT'S HOW GOOD IT WAS!

That you just saw was a fan made trailer, and YES! IT'S COMPLETELY SICK BEYOND ALL LOGIC AND COMMON SENSE! I LOVE IT!
I've watched this movie over and over again, AND IT JUST GETS BETTER AND BETTER! And I've got a feeling that Disney were inspired by this movie in the Lion King, as there are two similar scenes in the final battle: the badguy leaps at the protagonist, covered by a veil of fire. The difference ofcourse is that while Scar simply gets thrown off a cliff, THIS badguy gets his entire gut sliced open so his innards falls out on the floor in a very graphic and detailed scene.
Cute, isn't it?
Anyway, DEFINITELY worth a shot, if you haven't seen it (and wasn't too creeped out by the trailer)

Wanna know something else that's animated and completely insane?
 Happy Tree Friends
 I think the reason why my humor is so brutal, is that I grew up watching shit like Happy Tree Friends and Salad Fingers.
This was the very first HTF I saw:

And ever since that day, I've been a massive fan of the "Rambo-tribute" Flippy <3
Oh, and I also made my sister, who was like four-five years old at the time, watch this show. She's also pretty fucked up now...
 However, I guess that it's kinda good to have a fucked up childhood, because later when you decide to explore the rest of the internet, and discovers rule 34, you'll be harder to faze!
My childhood has been violently abused and gangraped multiple times during my years on the 'net, but I just have to drink a few shots of vodka until I'm ready for more, while I know people who still weeps blood after reading my first ComicsFic commentary!
SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I TRY TO IMPROVISE?! I start talking about disturbing animated cartoons!
Anyway, if you haven't got anything better to do with your life, WATCH WATERSHIP DOWN!
These rabbits kicks Bugs Bunny's fluffy puffy tail BIG TIME!

Don't let yourselves be fooled by their cuteness: this film has some really disturbing and traumatizing scenes, and the song Bright Eyes is 99% sure to bring you to tears!

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