onsdag 24 april 2013

All hail the Butthurt-brigade! (Or not)

 Warning, incredibly offensive content (or at least more offensive than usual):

Hear ye, hear ye! Oh thou Bold White Knights of the Internet! I fear that thine valiant quest to vanquish controversial buffoonery from VisageParchment is all for naught, as the people will always have there own free minds and opinions.
Translated from ye olde butcherede englishe: Yo! Butthurt-brigade who always fucking fucks everything up for for us with a fucked up sense of humor and reports controversial pages on facebook: imagine you're lodging a toothpick underneath your big toe nail and kick a wall as hard as you can.
There's an ancient law that originated from youtube, I think it's an awesome law and should be valid for ALL internet pages: "don't like, don't watch"
Fucking poetry, man!
Seriously, WHY like a page where the admin CLEARLY says it contains controversial and raw humor, if you're easily offended?
And if you're noticing that the page in question IS uploading offensive jokes about death, cancer, racism, your mom, rape etc, WHY stay and complain about it? Just dislike, get the fuck out and stay on the pages that uploads religious wondercrap and cute kittens! Or even better: turn off the computer or put down the phone and go outside! THERE'S A "BLOCK CONTENT FROM [insert name here] ON MY TIMELINE" OPTION FOR A REASON, YOU FUCKSTICK!

And to be frank, I don't think the people administrating these pages gives a fuck about your butthurt, ya know? That's usually what they want: to provoke people.
I admit it: I fucking LOVE it when people starts arguing over a pic on the internet, stating their butthurt and cries like it's a big deal. Have you any idea how much popcorn I've been eating lately?! I swear, I almost look like an American!
Take this image for instance:
 This made peoples butts hurt more than if they would've gotten Mandingo's cock up their tight asses. But my reaction to this? I laughed.
I know I'm a fucked up and awful person with an even more fucked up sense of humor, and I'm not denying it! But c'mon, this was so fucking crude I just HAD to laugh! Dang!
I even showed this to a guy whose mom died in cancer when he was 8, and guess how he reacted to this? He laughed as well. Why? Because he, just like me, think you can joke about everything, EVERYTHING! As long as it's a joke, and you think it's funny, you can laugh at it! No matter how fucked up and mean it is!
Humor comes in all sizes, shapes and degrees, fucking deal with it!
Just don't bother with the controversial pages.
You're NOT getting praised like some fucking Saint for reporting an offensive pic, or complain about how offensive it is.
You're getting laughed at.
So, stop making a cuntcake out of yourself and just ignore the darker kind of humor, okay?
I personally think that something, a pic or joke or whatevs, is okay as long as it's meant as a joke. Rape, school shootings, terrorism, women-belong-in-the-kitchen etc, it's all hilarious, as long as they're meant as nothing more than jokes!
However, people who actually think some women are asking to be raped, are literally asking to get fucking stabbed with spoons, get bricks of lego showed up their ass, forced to listen to Justin Bieber, One Direction and Rebecca Black (ALL AT THE SAME TIME) and lit on fire.

And please, Fuckerberg: STAY THE FUCK OUT! It's not YOUR page, (but facebook belongs to ME, hurr durr!) banning the admins and deleting the pages WON'T stop people from having a fucked up sense of humor!

Oh, and while we're at it: Islam and religion jokes.
My favorite jokes are the ones about religion, because religion is the biggest heaps of bullcrap humanity has ever produced and ALL religions are nothing but a big fucking joke!
Especially Islam.
Seriously, crack an offensive joke about Jesus and only a few Christians will react.
Draw a picture of Muhammed and you'll get the entire Religion of Peace all over your ass!
Of course, there are sensible and intelligent Muslims out there who can take jokes and don't get all ragefucked over something as silly like this:
etc, well, you get it!
They are really cool guys, and doesn't deserve to be put in the same category as Islamists. The "chill" people of Islam should be the example, but unfortunately it's not them who's getting the attention.
It's the motherfucking fucksticks who overreacts and goes havoc as soon as someone says something negative about their religion.
... Good job representing the "Religion of Peace", guys!
They say it's people brainwashed by media who hates on Muslims, but I disagree. It's their own goddamn fault that they're viewed by people as a violent and woman-oppressing religion, JUST TAKE A FUCKING LOOK AT YOURSELVES!
And Christianity wasn't more violent than Islam back in the days: they were equally brutal! (Just fucking look at all the devastation Islam caused to North Africa) 
And this guy seem to know what he's talking about, perhaps worth a watch?:
I'm not saying that Christianity is completely innocent though, Christians has also been like a zit in the nose to the world, with their fucking crusade, "civilization" of "savage" continents like Africa, America, etc. Plus Christian religions are excellent at showing their worthless bullshit down other peoples throats! (Yes, Mormons and Jehovah, I'm looking at you, assholes!)
To be honest, I'd rather be living in a "uncultivated shithole" like in an African or South-American native tribe, than in the modern society.
Anyway, back to the point!
I'm not religious at all, as I said: all religion is a bunch of bullshit, (but I love to read about them and find some religions really interesting), but I think Christianity has made up for SOME of the wars, crusades etc, by developing and stop being so fucking strict and tight assed. Although they aren't even close to making up for all the depravity they caused the "new worlds" and their natives!
Most Muslims and Islamists (Note how I don't say "everyone") are still stuck in the fucking Middle Ages or something.
I'm not hateful, I don't hate people unless I got a good reason for it. I'm pretty neutral.
But I don't respect people either.
Respect is earned, not given. 


Have I offended anyone now?
Bring on the hate, mate! Me and my popcorns are ready!

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