måndag 28 januari 2013

Lemme rant about bullying...

So, I thought maybe I should write something serious for once. Y'know, as a refreshing change!
Todays subject: bullying.

A someone who's been bullied ever since motherfucking daycare, I know what it's like to go to school everyday, full of fear. And having parents who doesn't believe you aren't exactly doing much to help (although my mom was the only one who cared, but she's schizofrenic and believes our neighbours are the heads of the Swedish Mafia or something, and she's been pregnant with twins for like, five years now or something... Oh and according to her I've got like, five children and a husband in Africa... Yeah, seems legit).
I went to the worst school in human history with unfair and retarded teachers who blamed the children if they didn't learn. And the anti-bullying system sucked major donkey balls, as we were told to tell the teachers everytime someone got bullied. NOT try to intervene, TELL THEM! And how did the teachers handle the bullers? Maybe talked to them. Maybe. If they weren't busy drinking coffee. Svenska föräldrar: LÅT INTE ERA BARN GÅ PÅ NOLSKOLAN I ALE! ELLER PÅ HIMLASKOLAN! SÄMSTA JÄVLA SKOLORNA EVER!
I'll just spare you all the whining and complaining about my bad life and the fact that I've been trying to kill myself since fifth grade. But not anymore.
You know what?
Because one day I just said: Dude, wtf are you doing?!
Now? I'm laughing at them all. Laughing them RIGHT UP THEIR FUCKING, UGLY AS SHIT FACES!! I used to be ultra self-conscious, but now I'm going shopping the cities with steel plated rubber boots and wrangler jeans like the motherfucking farmer I am. And you know what? I. Don't. Give. A. Shit.

And that's what I think every bullied person should do: turn around, fart the bullies in the face and strut out of there like Leonardo Motherfucking DiCaprio:
 Sure, you might get beat up about it. But if that happens, FART IN THEIR GENERAL DIRECTION ONCE AGAIN!  BULLYERS DESERVES TO BE FARTED AT!
I know! Anyone with twitter who reads this: create the hashtag #FartingAtBullies
Pretty please?

Oh, and while I'm at it, Imma talk a bit about Amanda Todd.
I bet everyone here is painfully aware of that girl and what she did. And I can't exactly say I feel sorry for her.
This is all I can say about her:
Really, gurl? REALLY?

First: Fellow individuals of the female sex, DON'T show your bewbs for anyone on the internet. NEVER! NOTHING on the internet stays a secret! Everything that happens on the internet, GETS OUT EVERY FUCKING WHERE! So if you don't want things like that to be used against you, DON'T. FUCKING. SHOW. YOUR. TITS! No matter how much the boys are flattering you! Something that gets out on the internet, stays there FOREVER!
Same thing goes for this Giovanna chick who sucked her own tampon and became sad because people bullied her for it... Well, what did you expect? To win the Nobel Peace Award and be crowned Miss Universe??... Btw, did she really kill herself for that?! Cheezus!
Second:  YOU LITTLE FUCKING EGOISTIC, SELF-CENTERED, COWARDLY ATTENTIONWHORE! The reason I never really succeeded with killing myself, is that I hate being seen as weak. And killing yourself, especially for something a measly as that, is a BIG FUCKING SIGN OF WEAKNESS! Don't be a fucking coward and drink bleach just because you were faced with the consequences of your stupid actions! You've only got yourself to blame and DON'T cause your family and friends more suffering by killing yourself! Seriously, her family must've been devastated!
Third: She was like thirteen or something, and she flashed her bewbs for a bunch of strangers and slept with a guy that already had a girlfriend... Gurl, what the fuck? You're a fucking kid, TAKE A FUCKING CHILL PILL! You don't need a boyfriend when you're ten!
Fourth: And parents, WHAT THE DOUBLE FUCK?! Don't let your child do these things! GROW A SPINE AND SAY NO TO YOUR KIDS! No other animal in nature treats their children likes kings and allows them to do whatever they want, so WHY should humans?!  They're NOT happier just because you give them everything they want and follow their every command!
Fifth: I DO like turtles! Wait...
Sixth: Sure, it WAS wrong of those guys to ask her to flash them, and it WAS wrong of that guy to blackmail her like that. And it WAS wrong of those other teens to beat her up for sleeping with someone's boyfriends. But if she had a little bit more brains and didn't do any of that, those kinds of things wouldn't have happened!
Seventh: And she claimed that she didn't have any friends after that image of her flashing her milkjugs got out in her school, than I can easily say that if those "friends" cast her out because of that, then you're better of on your own. Those are not real friends. That's NOT what friends do!
Sure, my friends say that I'm kinda crude, vulgar, rowdy etc. But they KNOW I'd never ditch anyone of them for something like that! You gaise know that you'll NEVER get rid of me! I'll be like a wart in the arse, fucking ZIT IN THE NOSE to you gaise, and there's nothing you can do about it because I love you gaise <3
Eight: Shit, this list is getting long, isn't it?
Nine: And yes, I'm being a crude bitch to a dead girl now. And yes, I'm a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to my "Storytimes". Yes I do admit that I might be a bit mean to the authors in my Storytimes, but anyone with any sense of humor should know I'm just doing it for shits and giggles. I mean no offense to fanfic writers, as I've actually got a bunch of fanfiction writing friends. And most of them are really good and even gotten me hooked on their stories!
You like to write fanfictions? GO ON! It's nothing wrong in that! Don't worry about me and my snarky comments! It's just that some stories are a bit... yeah... freaky...
Ten (last one, I swear!): Why are people bullying? It's actually pretty normal, natural even! Bullying is common in nature, it's a survival instinct that drives individuals to sort out other individuals that might slow down or cause harm or danger to the rest of the flock/herd/clan etc, like old, sick, albinos etc.
But humans are the only animal that does it for fun, or to suppress their own sadness. You've got problems at home? Talk to someone about it! DON'T take it out on someone else! What if that person has it just as rough at home like you? Or even worse?!
It doesn't matter if you're a big manly man with chest hair that could put Chuck Norris to shame (pfft, that's bullshit, I know! NOTHING is mightier than Chuck Norris' chest hair!) and a mustache equal to Hulk Logan's; just go talk to someone! ANYONE! May I suggest a pet? Animals doesn't judge like humans do, and they are usually WAY better listeners! I admit that I like to talk to my animals, especially when there's something heaving me down or if I'm having a bad day.

Bullying has many forms. I've been through most of them: physical, psychological, mental, via internet etc. But I've decided that it's something in the past, and something that should be laughed at! I mean, just think of all the losers that soon one day will be taking your order at Burger King! Recognize that guy behind the desk in Starbucks as the mofo that pushed you down the stairs?  Tell him your name is "Amgay" when ordering a barista. Immature as Hell, I know, but it'll be funny!
I know bullying will NEVER be eliminated, how much some people like to think so, but let's at least make life awkward for the ones who do bully, amiright?!

What I'm trying to say with all this, DON'T let the bullers break you down! Laugh at them instead, for not realizing how stupid they are for picking on you! Turn around, FART as loud and disgusting as you can and BE PROUD OF IT!
And most importantly: Don't be a bully yourself! You won't make anyone happy! Least of all yourself!... Ahum, says the one who writes Storytimes and can't get over how much Honey Boo Boo looks like a beluga whale...
Anyway, to commit suicide because you're bullied is even more wrong! That's just selfish and cowardly! Plus, by killing yourself; the bullies will WIN! And we don't want them to win now, do we?

Anyway, that's all for me! PEACE OUT! And yes, tonight I'm extremely obsessed with farting...

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